Featured Speaker: Patrick Briggs
Patrick is AVID’s Northeast States director. He came to this position after 11 years as the assistant director, then director, of AVID’s Southern Region States. Before that, he spent 15 years as a teacher and administrator in Cypress-Fairbanks ISD in Texas. Patrick believes that any perceived “achievement gaps” are the result of opportunity and expectations gaps that adults must work together to close. His passion lies in helping all learners achieve at high levels so all students are college- and career-ready upon completion of high school. Patrick believes all students deserve a high-quality education, enabling them to make choices in life that will lead to success in any field of their choosing.
Presentation: All Means All: Bridging the Achievement Gap
Those of us who have the honor and privilege of being an educator work in schools and districts that have mission statements, vision statements, strategic plans, etc. and many of them have the words “all”, “each”, and “every” when it comes to outcomes for our students (i.e. “We believe that all students …”). This session will ask the question, “Does all mean all?” and share strategies and insights into how we can make “all” a reality through instruction, systems, and culture.